Temporary Leave

“The first heavy rain drops began to fall as the train pulled into the station. A loud clap of thunder sounded overhead. The girl got off the train and clutched the shoulder straps of her backpack as if they were holding her up. Within a few feet of the station she was already soaked and her top stuck to her like a second skin. Her shoes squeaked on the asphalt but she couldn't hear it. Just like she couldn't hear the footsteps behind her.”

“Temporary Leave”. The phrase itself makes former police officer Jasmin Meyer feel sick to her stomach. She too, was once the victim of a violent crime – a kidnapping. Now she must face her fears again: eleven-year-old Fanny is in danger and Jasmin believes that a convicted rapist is behind the threat. The case gets more difficult for Jasmin when she discovers that her partner, lawyer Pal Palushi, is representing the suspect. When the convict is granted temporary leave, Jasmin realizes that she is on her own. Despite her fears, she will stop at nothing to protect Fanny.

“Temporary Leave” (German: Hafturlaub) is the second novel featuring Jasmin Meyer and Pal Palushi.

“Even experts are surprised by how thoroughly Petra Ivanov researches her books.”


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